You’re in the right place. Read my FAQs, helpful articles or use the form below to submit a support ticket.

Submit a Support Ticket

Please make sure you have read all of the FAQ below and have read the support policy before you submit a ticket. We aim to get back to you within 24 hours (Mon-Fri). 

Have Questions about mobile presets?

  • These are mobile presets for editing phone images! All you need is the free version of The Lightroom Mobile App to use them!

  • After you click the link to purchase the presets, you will receive an email to download the presets, along with an Install Guide PDF to walk you through the install process!

  • Of course! These presets are for anyone! Moms, creatives, bloggers… I even have grandmas loving and using them on photos of their grandbabies! My goal was to make them user friendly AND simply beautiful... I’m excited for them to help you make editing simple.

  • Nope! They're yours FOREVER. You'll still have access to your member's page where you can redownload them to your shiny new phone.

  • Yes! The presets are a one-time payment and come with an Install Guide to get you all set up using the presets, editing images quickly and easily from your phone!

  • The presets don't strip any quality from the photos! However, since phone images can be lower quality images in general, check with your print company to confirm before order larger scale prints!

  • The only thing required to effectively use the presets is a camera phone and the free version of The Lightroom Mobile App. That’s it!

  • The Janel Gion Creative Collective Lifestyle Mobile Presets were designed to give you the perfect preset to use in any lighting situation AND the tools to use it to make any image bright, beautiful & consistent!

Have Questions about Squarespace Templates?

  • You may need Photoshop to edit your template graphics, most people download a free trial for this which is available to anyone here.

    Most templates come with Canva graphics included if you prefer to use these. Depending on the template, you may need to upgrade to 'Canva For Work' (a paid verson of Canva) for best results. We recommend using the 30 day free trial of this upgrade.

    Please read each template description carefully to see if that particular template uses Photoshop or Canva.

  • You will never be requires to use any code to build your site. All of our templates use DIY friendly features and you won't need to code anything!

    Though, there may be the odd time where we think the template looks better with a small snippet of code, in that case, we will provide the copy + paste code and instructions on how to add it.

    You are also welcome to add any coded features of your own.

  • Squarespace is a website creation platform. It's DIY friendly and easy to use.

  • You will have to purchase a Squarespace account subscription and a Domain name (URL) additional to your one off template purchase.

    Squarespace offers a 2 week free trial before you need to pay. You can also score a free Domain through Squarespace with your yearly subscription.

  • You can view the current rates here!

  • All of our templates are made with the DIY user in mind, they're easy to follow step by step instructions.

    We believe that building your own template from scratch is the best way to learn how to use your website and make edits to it down the track.

    But if you get stuck, you can purchase a template install or submit a support ticket (above) and we'll do our best to help!

  • For some people, this process takes just a few hours. For others, it can take weeks or months, so, it's hard to say!

    We recommend scheduling time to sit down and really focus on it, and following the instructions in the order they are presented, so you can get it launched asap!

  • Simple - look at the demo template while on your phone or a tablet!

  • Yes! You can edit every part of the template including fonts, colors, layout and images.

    We encourage you to use the template for guidance, but edit the design to make it unique to you and your business.

  • Squarespace doesn't allow for you to simply install a third-party template, so, your template will need to be built from scratch.

    I have made the processes as easy as possible with step by step tutorial videos to show you how to build the whole thing from start to finish.

    Also, we believe that building the template yourself is the best way to learn how to use your website so you can make changes to it and edit it later on!

    You can also check out our template install service if you really don't want to set it up yourself!

  • The great thing about Squarespace is that it's DIY friendly. When you purchase a tempate you get access to a Squarespace walkthrough, and everything else that you need to know to build the template and become a whiz at Squarespace!

  • You can edit almost everything on the template. Fonts, colors, images, graphics, and sections of the layout can easily be changed.

    We encourage you to change the template to fit with your brand, and you will learn how to add your own logo, photos, colors and graphics & change the layout in the process!

  • Yes! Squarespace is amazing for blogging and really simple. Every Squarespace site comes with a built-in Blog.

  • Yes! Squarespace offers a built in, simple e-commerce store function for your website. You can add it to any template.

  • Yes! I have free email support and can also offer hourly paid support if you need assistance with something extra.

    Also, Squarespace has great live chat and email support.

    Please read the support policies here.

  • Due to the digital nature of our products, they are non-refundable, so please make sure you have read all of the product details before you purchase.

    Please read the return policies here.

  • Yup, sure thing! But it is required that you purchase a new licence for every website that you build with that design. (One purchase = One website).

    Please read the Ts + Cs here.

  • Most of our templates are built on-top of "Brine Family" Squarespace templates, because that's the most customizable template.

  • You can build the template on your current site and subscription, but while doing so we recommend you put your site "under construction" as there will be disruptions in your design. We show you how to create an under construction page.

    Though even if you're sticking with your old site, you will esentially be starting the design from scratch. Your pages and content will still be there, but they will all have to be rebuilt / redesigned.

  • Yes! And it's not as hard as it sounds. Squarespace has great articles on how to make the switch:

    Transferring from Wordpress Transferring from Wix

  • The file we send to your email after you first make a purchase is simply a PDF document that contains details on where to access your product files. This PDF document is only available for download 24 hours after you first access it, so you need to download this and save it to your computer. After you download this PDF, your actual template files are available forever, for you to use whenever you want.

    If for some reason you lose access to this instructional PDF, please contact us with your order number and we can send you a new one!